
Connect the Coastside was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at the July 26, 2022 meeting. See the Resolution

About Connect the Coastside

Connect the Coastside is a community-based transportation plan to help improve mobility and safety for Coastside residents and visitors. It identifies programs and improvements for the Highway 1 and Highway 92 corridors to improve mobility and accommodate the Midcoast's future transportation needs. A key purpose of the Plan is to define priority projects that will then be eligible to apply for funding. 

The plan identifies a diverse range of road, highway and trail improvements. Categories in the plan include improvements to:

  • Bike & walking trails
  • Roadways and intersections
  • Pedestrian routes
  • Transit facilities & services
  • Parking

The Connect the Coastside project has involved a broad public outreach program to ensure that the final plan reflects the unique character and vision of residents and businesses and aligns with broadly held community values.

To learn more see the Connect the Coastside FAQ

Map of Recommended Projects

This map depicts the infrastructure projects recommended in Connect the Coastside. Please note that as plan implementation progresses, proposed projects are subject to change based on further assessment and refinement.

View map in full screen

Documents & Meeting Materials

View information and materials related to past outreach efforts and presentations, including community meetings, meetings with the Midcoast Community Council, Planning Commission hearings, and Board of Supervisors hearings.


Connect the Coastside is now in the implementation phase, and progress on some recommended projects has already begun. For the latest updates please visit our Project Updates page.

The plan's proposed projects are at the pre-planning level and will require further assessment of environmental, right-of-way, engineering, and regulatory requirements; proposed projects are subject to change based on further assessment. Plan implementation will also require ongoing community engagement to refine proposed projects and to identify funding necessary to construct improvements.

Contact Us

For questions about this project, please contact:

Katie Faulkner

Chanda Singh

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